5 Facts About the Computer Game Industry

1. About 60% of Israelis and 70% of Americans are gamers! There is a lot of demand for new products and more developers!

. The games industry earns twice as much money as Hollywood and the film industry combined!! Around 23 Billion dollars, in contrast to the 11 Billion in the film industry, and it just goes up and up!

3. Overall satisfaction among game developers is very high and they love their job a lot. Many professions make people depressed while counting the hours until the end of the day, but it seems that in our industry the situation is the complete opposite 🙂

4. As well as loving their job, the majority of game developers are very positive people who together create an amazing community. In GameDev, you can always find help and ask a question without getting an aggressive answer like in many other fields.

5. GameDev has a great deal of variation.There are almost no developers who only know one specific thing. The majority know a little about everything related to the field and they are always in contact with other teams. Imagine a multiplayer with endless singleplayer quests. This is game development! Every task is a new challenge that never repeats itself. 🙂