Are GameDev Studies Expensive or Cheap?

Are GameDev Studies Expensive or Cheap?

Keep reading until the end for the “How I didn’t think about this before? “WOW effect!😮

First, let’s understand what expensive and cheap mean

  If you buy a can of Coke for 1$ and you drink it, you paid a total of 1$.  If you buy a vintage car for $14,000 and sell it for $17,000, suddenly you made a profit of 3,000$! The car is of course more expensive than a can of Coke, but it turns out that you made money on it instead of losing. How does it turn out that way? The answer: Buying and selling a vintage car is an INVESTMENT, while a can of Coke is a waste of money (which you may or may not enjoy, but the money will not return to you). Still think the car is expensive? Definitely. But if you now had $14,000 and there was a car like that for this price, I believe you would consider investing in it.
Why doesn’t everyone with money do it? Because it requires knowledge and proficiency. A person with the right knowledge can turn one dollar into a million dollars. On the other hand, a person without knowledge, can turn a million dollars into 0 dollars (*cough* anyone who wins the Lottery)). Therefore to be honest – knowledge is the thing that is most worth investing in, and the earlier you start – the more time you have to make good use of it!

So far it has been just words, let’s look at the Numbers!!!!

The salary of a game developer in the United States is 6,000$-8,000$ on average, per month (yes, this is not a typo). In about 40 lessons with us you can reach a level where you can work as a game developer. If one lesson costs $140, 40 lessons would cost $5,600. That means within one month of working as Game Developer, you have already returned your investment with a nice addition of several hundreds.  But, our lessons cost much less than $140. So do your own calculations. Is studying GameDev worth it?

What is the Right Time 🕙 to Start Learning Game Development?

What is the Right Time 🕙 to Start Learning Game Development?

The answer is – right now! 😀

You cannot change the past. And procrastinating by thinking “I will finish my degree first…” will not give you any advantage. Forget about waiting for finishing school / army / collage / university first. The best time to learn is NOW. The data shows that the most effective way to enter the game industry is…To make games! And that’s what you will do with our assistance, because we give you all the tools you need to get to the top.

So what game you will develop first?

Time Management at GR

What do we do besides teaching GameDev?

What do we do besides teaching GameDev?

Wow, a lot.

  • We provide outsourcing for our studio clients; that can mean anything from consultations to taking a project from a small idea into a full fledged release on any platform.  
  • Among our clients are companies such as IntelISCAREpic GamesIAI and more for whom we created projects ranging from VR experiences, Product visualization, AI training to a full game production.
  • We also develop our own games! A team of mentors and students work on revenue-share commercial games, soon to be released on Steam!
  • In addition to this – each mentor has his personal projects, including positions in global development companies. There are also projects developed by our students, you can check them here: Students Portfolio! (Yours soon to be there too!)

Is game development the right path for you? 🤔

Is game development the right path for you? 🤔

Here are 3 criteria for checking it:

  • You like gaming.
    Game development is an enjoyable profession for gamers. And without love for computer games, you will probably get bored fast.
    You know those sad, frustrated lawyers? They chose their career for money and not because they had a passion ! (Unlike the successful lawyers who do enjoy their job).
    If you have passion for your profession, you will enjoy working and be more successful !
  •  You are a curious person. ✅  You always want to know what’s going on behind the scenes.
    It is important to be curious in game development. As you work with others, it’s good to know about their work and what they’re doing as well.
  • You like to create. 
    Developing computer games is an art form. The most successful games are those with a brand-new idea (Please don’t make another copy of Minecraft).
    Think of a new idea to implement in your game, something not yet seen by humanity! You will soon share the understanding that ideas come to you automatically as you learn new things – possibly too many ideas!

We are giving you a new path for life!

To turn your passion for computer games into a career!

A direction we didn’t have growing up, but we wanted so much.
We welcome you into the game development world, whether it is in programming, 3D art, level design, sound art, team management or any other role.
We will transform your passion for computer games into creative freedom and good money in the future!

Assassins Creed development

Is GameSev Suitable for Women as Well?

5 Facts About the Computer Game Industry

5 Facts About the Computer Game Industry

1. About 60% of Israelis and 70% of Americans are gamers! There is a lot of demand for new products and more developers!

. The games industry earns twice as much money as Hollywood and the film industry combined!! Around 23 Billion dollars, in contrast to the 11 Billion in the film industry, and it just goes up and up!

3. Overall satisfaction among game developers is very high and they love their job a lot. Many professions make people depressed while counting the hours until the end of the day, but it seems that in our industry the situation is the complete opposite 🙂

4. As well as loving their job, the majority of game developers are very positive people who together create an amazing community. In GameDev, you can always find help and ask a question without getting an aggressive answer like in many other fields.

5. GameDev has a great deal of variation.There are almost no developers who only know one specific thing. The majority know a little about everything related to the field and they are always in contact with other teams. Imagine a multiplayer with endless singleplayer quests. This is game development! Every task is a new challenge that never repeats itself. 🙂

Is GameDev Suitable for Women/Girls as Well?

Is GameDev Suitable for Women/Girls as Well?

Not only boys play computer games. Unlike what many people think, it is actually far from the truth – 41% of all gamers in the world are women! So even though there are many gamer girls, is it appropriate for women to develop games as well? Yes! Yes, yes and yes! Another time yes! Think about it, if 41% of all gamers are women, and more than 90% of developers are men, that means a woman developer has even a bigger advantage than of a man! After all, she knows better what women likes and what they don’t, and it will be easier for her to create a game adapted to the female audience since she is part of it. Equally, of course, it would be easier for a man to create a game for the male audience. But still, for every 10 man developers there is only one woman! 10 times less competition and more success rates!!
By the way, among our best students, 2 are women (as of date 15/2/2019) In conclusion – every gender has their advantage in game development. The most important thing is to use it 🙂 The rest is piece of cake. YOU choose the profession, it does not choose you! If you’re a woman and you read this far, why you still didn’t contact us??!

State of the Industry in Israel

State of the Industry in Israel

Gamedev in front of a computer

Many people think that there is no development industry in Israel. Fortunately, this is a (common) mistake 😃

Let us explain how our industry works:

  1. First of all, there is no such thing as  a “French / American / Israeli gaming industry“.
    The industry is global! For examaple, Minecraft, one of the most famous game in the world. Do you care that it’s “made in Sweden”? Probably not.
    The games in your computer – are not made in your country of residence.
  2. Nowaday, remote work is very common, and more than half of the developers in the world work remotely. A big part of them, in other countries than their countries of residence. Among others, a hell lot of Israelis work in GameDev companies registered abroad.
    Israelis work in 
    Bethesda, Activision, Blizzard, Epic Games and many more.
  3. Taxation in Israel is not attractive for startup launching (including games), and the vast majority of Israelis launch their company/product abroad (legally, of course). A good example: Ori And The Blind Forest, a game which is not Israeli at all, except that of its team, more than half come from Israel.
    We explain launching and taxation in more details in our course.
  4. GameReady – us. We too are a company not registered in Israel. Our team is mixed and international, our customers are also from different countries around the world (both students and companies to whom we provide development services).
  5. As you read this text, we work on several development projects, in cooperation with Israeli companies, and much of the development is done by graduates and students of our training center, for money and remotely.
  6. Among our development customers your will also see big names – Intel, Controp, Iscar, Epic Games, and the list goes on. Meaning, in Israel too, in the business channeel, there is a lost use of Unreal for research, AI, simulations, virtual production, soldier training, worker training, occupational therapy with VR etc. And no, we aren’t talking about mobile games. This is not our profile and our passion. We talk computer/consoles.

If you have other questions about the industry, we are here and will be happy to answer!

Another article which you may find interesting: Five Facts about the GameDev Industry