A video for you explaining about the program and answers 95% of the questions!
If you like it in text, here you go:
You can start learning game development (GameDev) at any age. The important thing is not the age; it’s preparedness and seriousness. There are 40 years olds who are not mature enough, and at the same time, there are 12 years olds whom we will gladly accept for studies in GameReady, because they meet the requirements marvelously.
Bottom line – Age is not directly relevant to us. You come here with seriousness – this is good enough a reason for us to give you a chance in the program 😉
👉 Best Time To Learn GameDev
We accept only the people who we believe have high potential. The most important criteria for us (mandatory requirements) are:
- Seriousness
- Respect
- Desire for self-improvement
- Love for computer games
- Background in using computers
There are other factors we consider, but we complete what is lacking for anyone whom we accept to the program. The 5 critreria specified above are mandatory, because we cannot make people learn and we won’t do that.
For further details: 👉 Is GameDev For You?
We don’t accept for studies:
- People who need to be chased: we are not interested in making people learn. There are enough serious people who want to learn here and we prioritize them.
- People who can’t take and deal with criticism: criticism is an important part of our program. We will give a lot of criticism to prepare you to the real world (those who cannot take criticism live in an imaginary comfortable world they created for themselves and will never succeed until they develop self-awareness).
- People who want to learn GameDev just to make a lot money: working in a field you dislike is the most direct route to miserable life. We don’t want to ruin anyone’s life. If you don’t like computer games, there are other fields in the world and at least one of them will better suit you.
People who meet one or more of the above criteria unfortunately have nothing to look for in GameReady.
If none of the 3 describes you, congratulations! you are in an excellent direction.
Definitely. More than that:
Yes. We proudly say that each one of our students achieves resuslts in the path they study, without exceptions.
More than that – if you don’t achieve results, we will return you the money to the last penny, in accordance with our terms.
The GameReady program is a high level professional training and our students acquire practical knowledge and the tools necessary for working in the GameDev field.
Our training center is among a small number of training centers whose students graduate at Mid-Level and not Junior-Level.
We have young students, and they get the same knowledge and skills like the older students (we do note that for the young students we developed a teaching method which is lighter and friendlier).
Salaries in the field range from 6,600$ to 10,000$ according to US statistics.
We made great efforts to enable studying in the project from everywhere in the world.
We are experienced in giving remote lessons from before the covid 19 pandemic and we continue doing that.
1 to 3 years, depending on the path and learning pace.
Note that in GameReady, every student receives a personally tailored program in accordance with his personality and strengths, so the duration of the program varies from one student to another.
Definitely. Excellent!
If you already have relevant previous knowledge, we will take this into account and continue the training from where you stand.
However, previous knowledge is not a requirement for the program.
Yes, definitely. At the end of each learning path, the student receives a diploma affirming the training he received in the course.
They don’t! 😛
All mentors (teachers) in GameReady first of all have been working in the fields they teach, and in addition they share their knowledge and experience with you the students. None of the mentors work only in GameReady.
And why do they teach? Because they love it!
In the Plans page you can see the plans and their prices.
You can move the slider to see different options of lessons numbers.
In addition, there is a 200$ registration fee, which we waive to those who pay within 36 hours from the trial lesson.