Come work with us!

What is GameReady?
We are a fully remote ืคืืชืื ืืฉืืงืื authorized training center & studio.
We teach Game Development to individuals
From different ages and backgrounds.
These are your role prospects ๐
Sales Position
Communication with Hot leads that found us and are interested in our service.
You are helping people. Even without you convincing them – many want to join, just help them.
Leads get 80-100% of the answers from the video, some leads never even ask any question besides
โwhen can I start and how do I pay?โ – In which case you just finalize them and get the bonus easily.
When leads ask advanced questions – you arrange a short meeting with the education coordinator
and he will do further explanations.
We provide free trial lessons, which help you to do the sale and really speak better than just words.
People love these lessons and typically itโs a matter of cost / timing after they have tried. (95% like the lesson).
Daily tasks include communicating with the leads, answering their messages/calls,
and initiating contact with new applicants. Sometimes also interesting one-time
activities/tasks/projects if you like that.
(we love to research, develop and improve our processes) - Salary can be either hourly rate 11 USD plus bonuses, or bonus-based payment with
higher bonus percentage system.
Perks & Benefits
Bonuses for every successful sales action.
Work From Anywhere - We operate fully remotely. Our standard Time Zone is Israel.
Working in a Hi-tech company in the Game Development industry, a company that is
officially authorized by Epic Games as their educational partner in the middle east.
Even the starting salary is higher than average in Israel.
Be a part of a team that works with famous companies such as: Intel, Epic Games, Iscar, Overwolf.
International Environment - Our team members come from different countries and backgrounds.
Help with relocation, in means of free consultation and planning, support in form of
needed vacation, and time to adapt.
The processes are defined and checked by time, we have long ago passed the phase of a โstart-upโ,
and are here to stay, for many more years to come.
Bonuses for every successful sales action.
Work From Anywhere - We operate fully remotely. Our standard Time Zone is Israel.
Working in a Hi-tech company in the Game Development industry, a company that is
officially authorized by Epic Games as their educational partner in the middle east.
Even the starting salary is higher than average in Israel.
Be a part of a team that works with famous companies such as: Intel, Epic Games, Iscar, Overwolf.
International Environment - Our team members come from different countries and backgrounds.
Help with relocation, in means of free consultation and planning, support in form of
needed vacation, and time to adapt.
The processes are defined and checked by time, we have long ago passed the phase of a โstart-upโ,
and are here to stay, for many more years to come.
if it sounds great to you, jump in and
Want to hear more? Continue reading ๐
FAQ โ ืฉืืืืช ื ืคืืฆืืช
Do you require previous experience? – No. We provide the training after we see that you are a good fit for the team ๐
I hate selling shitty products to people that they donโt really need. – Take a look at what clients say about us!
ย ย ย ย ย ย Our google reviews page
We do not chase people that donโt want our service. They come here willingly and get amazing service.
In which language will I need to work? – The main language for the sales position is Hebrew, but good knowledge of English is required (our team is international).
Can I work part-time? – Depending on some details, might be possible. We prioritize full-time.
Will I receive any benefits if I study at GameReady while working here? – Yes, we provide discounts on studying for employees.
Company Culture
We love to give our employees opportunities for self-development,
and freedom of ideas and innovation. You are more than welcome to propose
improvements and grow in the company yourself when you show good performance.ย
Our team is concentrating on answering to all of the applicants
regardless of the fact if you were hired or not.ย
The friendly and humane environment in a medium-sized company
(Around 20 people), we dislike paperwork and bureaucracy,
and we love technological adaptation, new methods, and easy, friendly communications.
No need to fill out a paper to speak to the boss, you have his WhatsApp
any time and for any matter. ๐ (after you get employed!)
Stable employment. Simple as that, as long as you provide good value,
you will stay in the team as long as you like. Over 10 years? Why not.ย ย
We do not tolerate any form of abuse and disrespect towards our customers or team members.ย
We treat time with respect, that means that we do not tolerate wasting anybodyโs time,
be it yours, your co-workerโs or clientโs.ย
The value that you give – is the value that you get back.
Be awesome – and get treated awesomely ๐
More about us
Map of Unreal Authorized Training Centers, on which we appear
(we are officially authorized by Epic-Games, first and only authorized
training center in Israel and the middle east)
We supply a diploma, approved by Epic-Games
“TheMarker” newspaper post about us
“Haaretz” newspaper post about us

Want to hear more about open positions at GameReady? Follow the link:
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