Our Terms


Student = Someone who is registered and active in a course on gameready.co.il, meaning they take either digital or in-person lessons. Participation in a seminar/webinar does not grant this status. Graduate = A current or former student who has completed at least one course. This status is lifelong, grants a graduation diploma from GameReady, and benefits in our other services. Frontal Lesson = A physical or remote lesson between a teacher and a student or multiple students in real-time. (A seminar or webinar is not a lesson) Digital Lesson = A pre-recorded or written lesson. The Project = GameReady Educational Month  = A period of 28 days. it is not necessarily aligned with a calendar month. We define a educational month as 28 days as it’s equivalent of exaclty 4 weeks, and is very convenient for weekly schedule tracking. Lesson Credit (LC) =  Credits points which are used by the student during a subscription period to “pay” for lessons. Credits points can be obtained by payment or as a benefit offered by GameReady to students under certain conditions. Subscription Period = A period paid for by the student, typically a year or an integer number of educational months Representative = An employee or partner of the project, who has been explicitly granted operational permission from the project management.


A student can request a refund for under the following conditions, in an email to – info@gameready.co.il and we will take care of it without delay within the same month!
Please attach relevant information to the request.

 Educational Month

Once an educational month is started, it is not eligible for refund. If the subscription period includes more than one educational month, a refund may be issued for the other educational months, if communicated in advance. For the purposes of this section, an educational month begins by one of the following:
  1. Day of the Payment.
  2. If subscription period includes more than one educational month, next educational month begins the day after the last day of the previous educational month.


Refunds are subject to return fee of 37.5%.

Our commitment on refund for consultation:

It is very simple: We didn’t help – you don’t pay. Payment is made in advance, and you are entitled to a refund in case of dissatisfaction with the service, up to six months from the time of payment. We will return it to you without questions or arguments, וגם ללא cancellation fees (expenses on us).

Change of service date by the customer’s action:

Please inform us in advance about a change in meeting time, as it disrupts our schedule and creates additional expenses for us. In case of canceling or rescheduling a service appointment (any service requiring the customer’s physical or digital presence) by the customer themselves, without at least 12 hours prior notice (unless otherwise specified), the customer will not regain the spent asset (which is Lesson Credit in case it’s a lesson) Notification more than 12 hours in advance but up to a day prior will also be considered as disrupting plans, but a portion of the cost will be refunded. A case of no-show (including “I forgot”) is treated in the same way as a last minute cancellation. In the event of a no-show by multiple clients at the same time, each one of them will be charged with cancellation fees. Important: This is relevant only if you request late, and do not request in advance, as mentors need to plan their schedule accordingly. It is in everybody’s interest to avoid such disruptions, so we can give you the most benefit in the program!

Setting Expectations

Results of study:

In GameReady, we take responsibility to provide you (our registered students) with the knowledge necessary to perform your role in game development, according to the path you chose. We teach the tools required for this role, and often even beyond that to the extent we can, to give you quality tools. Usually, within 3-6 lessons, our students can already see quite good results. However, it’s important to note that each student is responsible for the application of the knowledge and its proper use. We will not build the game for you, we instead will provide the knowledge on how to do your part in the development. In addition to that – we will do our utmost to advance you in the field, connect you with the right people, and potentially even find you a job, and the results from this process depend on you and your efforts. (we do that as an added value for you, and we are not obliged for it) We do not promise: success for all students in the field of computer game development. There are factors beyond our control, for example – your seriousness and practice. We do promise: that we will do our utmost to assist you personally in the field as our student/graduate.

Learning Paths:

The learning paths that appear on the website are for basic understanding of the topics, and in practice, we tailor a unique learning path for each student individually according to their strengths, learning pace, English proficiency, and other factors. Essentially the exact opposite of throwing math books at a student who hates math :] Similarly, software and materials taught in the course can change from student to student according to their learning path.

Student is required to:

We expect every student to behave with respect, seriousness towards the topics, and to prepare for the lesson in advance – whether it’s to launch relevant software, or to finish other matters before the scheduled lesson start time, etc. This way, the student will be more focused, and will also cover more during the lesson (instead of wasting lesson time on unrelated topics).


We strive to keep our prices as low as possible for you. The tuition fees may change during the program, according to the maintenance cost calculations (expenses) of the business. In other words, they might increase or decrease as required for the business to continue operating.
In case of a signed agreement, we commit to maintaining the price stated in the agreement until the expiration date of the agreement.

Plan Discount:

We offer discounts based on learning plan. Contact customer service for details.

Prepayment Discount:

We offer discounts for prepayments. Contact customer service for details.

Special Needs:

The customer is responsible for notifying the business team (in writing) about special needs prior to receiving the service, and to update about any changes in the special needs status if there are any changes.
The GameReady team will do their utmost to meet the special needs, and GameReady will not be liable for any damages which may arise from not knowing the customer’s condition.
The GameReady team records some of the lessons for sharing with the students, and the recordings may include video footage of the student. The client agrees to this and has the right to request the deletion of the recording.
The GameReady team will not distribute the recordings outside of the study group without the explicit consent of the student.


We take responsibility for all systems and software in our possession, and in case of a malfunction or issue with them – please contact our support (Contact Us), and we’ll assist as soon as possible. We do not take responsibility for: Malfunctions in external systems and software (which we do not maintain) including but not limited to: computer game development software, programming or graphics software, various plugins, small utility software, different websites than this one. It’s important to note that systems and software for which we do not take responsibility – were not created by us, are not owned by us, and we cannot maintain them, whether we want to or not. Nevertheless, we will try to solve and assist with external issues in such cases, without commitment. The website/business will not be responsible for any damage or loss caused to the customer as a result of non-compliance with the terms. Agreement to the regulations includes consent to our privacy policy. You can view the website’s privacy policy here.

Access to Content

When the client is granted viewing access to digital content (videos, recorded lessons, or any other content on the site), this access is for the client only, for viewing purposes only, within the site only, unless explicitly stated otherwise by a representative. There is an absolute prohibition on any other use of the content, including but not limited to:
  • Downloading to the computer
  • Distribution
  • Editing
  • Selling
  • Sharing with friends (including sharing username and password)
  • Sharing with people who are not friends (including sharing of username and password)
  • Recording by any means (including camera, microphone or any other tool)
  • Rewriting
  • Copying
Granting viewing access is legal only when it comes from a representative of the project . In other words – a client is not allowed to give access to another person. Violation of one or more of the above access provisions is a criminal offense according to the state – and will lead to legal proceedings.


By leaving communication details of any kind – the website user agrees to be contacted in any way by the business representatives and also agrees to receive mailings from the site, including information and/or reminders regarding the course as well as various mailings. The user gives their explicit consent for mailing from the site, including under the communication laws. The user has the right to request removal at any time.

Payment Method Details

We do not share your payment method information with any party beyond the payment processing company, and the information is stored securely there.


Anything mentioned in the regulations is valid by default, as long as it hasn’t been explicitly agreed otherwise by the representative. Explanation: There are exceptional cases to the terms of the regulation, including but not limited to: special promotions, deviations from standard acceptance terms, unique customer needs (for example, a medical condition), business clients, transactions based on a special agreement, etc. In these cases – what is agreed with a representative or written in a signed agreement – will overrride the default terms in the regulations, in case of a conflict of terms or definitions.