
Keep reading until the end for the "How I didn't think about this before? "WOW effect!😮" First, let's understand what expensive and cheap mean .   If you buy a can of Coke for 1$ and you drink it, you paid a total of 1$.  If you buy a vintage car for ... Read More

What is the Right Time 🕙 to Start Learning Game Development? The answer is - right now! 😀 You cannot change the past. And procrastinating by thinking "I will finish my degree first..." will not give you any advantage. Forget about waiting for finishing school / army / collage / university ... Read More

Wow, a lot. We provide outsourcing for our studio clients; that can mean anything from consultations to taking a project from a small idea into a full fledged release on any platform.   Among our clients are companies such as Intel, ISCAR, Epic Games, IAI ... Read More

Is game development the right path for you? 🤔Here are 3 criteria for checking it:You like gaming. ✅Game development is an enjoyable profession for gamers. And without love for computer games, you will probably get bored fast.You know those sad, frustrated lawyers? They chose their career for money ... Read More

1. About 60% of Israelis and 70% of Americans are gamers! There is a lot of demand for new products and more developers!. The games industry earns twice as much money as Hollywood and the film industry combined!! Around 23 Billion dollars, in contrast to the ... Read More

Not only boys play computer games. Unlike what many people think, it is actually far from the truth - 41% of all gamers in the world are women! So even though there are many gamer girls, is it appropriate for women to develop games as well? Yes! Yes, yes ... Read More

State of the Industry in IsraelMany people think that there is no development industry in Israel. Fortunately, this is a (common) mistake 😃Let us explain how our industry works:First of all, there is no such thing as  a "French / American / Israeli gaming industry".The industry is global! For examaple, ... Read More

Why do we teach GameDev? When we were in school, we all had this big dream of GameDev that didn’t seem real. There was nobody that taught this topic! You couldn’t find even one person to explain what and how to start this route. The truth is, that we are a little jealous of you now. We would had ... Read More